Apologies for the apparent errors. This was cut & paste from a PDF copy of POR 1942.


269" Within a period of three years from his Investiture, the Rover is expected to aim at qualifying himself in the following to the satisfaction of the R.S.L. and Crew :(r) Have a working knowledge of the matters dealt with in Chapter III of " Scouting for Boys " (C*p Life) with special reference to: The normal requirements in regard to personal and camping kit, for both a week-end and a week's hike or cruise. The general regulations afiecting camping and hiking. The use and care of an axe, both hand-axe and fellinga<e if possible. The use of, and ability to make, the following knots in addition to the Tenderfoot knots : Bowline ou a bight; fisherman's bend or hitch ; man harness knot; ma^rlinspike or lever hitcli ; rolling hitch ; timber hitch. The use and making of the following lashings : Square, diagonal, sbeer or round, figure of eight. The use, 6,ad 6s,lring of the following splices : Back or end, eye, short.

Hike and camp cookery, the storage of food in caqP o! on hike, the dispbsal of rbfuse in camp, and tle su-pply, of hike rations suitable for hikes of both a week-end and a week's duration. (z) Participate in hiking, camplng and pioneering- practices, or in sailing expeditions and cruises, with the Crew. (3) Hike--on foot-over a distance of at least 16 miles, s1t9nding one night out under cover improvised by limself,. or carried on his back, and submit a report of the hike, paying particular attention to a subject such as: Antiquilies; Iife ind Labour; Nature Lore. The report should includc sketch maps oI any important parts of the route. (a) Swim a distance of roo yards. (5) Fractise the care of his own health in matters of cleanliness, fresh air, exercise, Iood and clothing; feel the importance of his own and other people's interest of keeping physically fit, and recognise the necessity of keeping morally, as well as physically, clean. (6) Qualifu in the St. John, St. Andrew's or Red Cross Senior ' ', toot.L, or for th6 Bronze Medallion of the Royal Life Saving Society, or for the Durham and Northumberland Mines- Safety- Badge. (7) Have a general knowledge o{ the ri-ghts and obligations of citizenship, and a working knowledge of the lo",ll govgrtrment of ihe area in whicb he lives, witb special regard to finance, education, bealth services, public assistance, roads, regional planning, police, local authorities' undertakings.; have sofoe praiti-cal knowledge of his local Council (personnel, elections, what they do and low-they ygrk)'-sg ihat he may understand and be capable of exercising his responsibilities as a citizen. (8) Recruit a Rover Squire.

27O. A Rover wbo has qualified in the aims under Rule 269 may wear across the end of his shoulder straPs a strip of red cloth not more than 1/4 inch in width. 271. After qualifying under Rule 269, the Rover- is continue his training and activities along such of the Iollowing lines as he selects for himself :(r) Advanced campcraft. (z) Advanced boatwork. (3) Advanced Pioneering. (4) Rambler's badge (Rule 5rr). (5) Rover Instructor badge (Rule 5ro). (6) " Scoutmastership " with a view to serving as a Scouter, and so returning to Scouting something of what he has received from it.